Rich Wolf

Apr 8, 202114 min

One who truly loves themself, fully cherishes and invests in themself.

One who truly loves themself, fully cherishes and invests in themself.




01: What is love and self-love

02: Cultivate true self-love

03: True love is true success

04: Summary

05: Conclusion

07: Author

07: Other info


One who truly loves themself fully cherishes and invests in themself. Moreover, you will be loved once you truly love yourself: cultivate true self-love. Love (and even loving yourself) is an aspect of growth and success. Only successful people are the ones with true love or self-love, and they're the ones who're attractive and admirable, and those who deserve to be loved, cherished and admired. Love is an aspect of success; raising your value. Why? Because love just like everything, is to do with value; everything revolves around value. self-love is, thus, success; one who wants to have love (any form, self-love or any other) is simply seeking to be successful in their lives), but the problem remains in the approach for that success; it is the approach that determines whether one becomes truly successful and with love or not. True love is a higher level of value; becoming successful by raising your value highly. One who's successful and highly valuable can self-sustain, as well as be of value to others too.

We all want more value in our lives in order to flourish. We want more excitements, we want security, we want happiness, we work to provide and survive, we get together for support, etc., so what we want is everything (Also known as success), not the wrong notions of love. And if you're that person with everything, you're like nothing else and will continue to reign in every facet of life. This is why it's very important that you invest in yourself rather than the wrong notions of love. There's only one real love and the rest is irrelevant; that love we're talking about is self-love – loving yourself first before anything else, coming first before anything else, focusing on yourself first, taking the right decisions to grow yourself and become great in your life first and too.

But love which we also referred to as value, requires work. Love is not free, love doesn't come out of thin air. Most of us are so complacent instead of taking actions. We're so deluded and uneducated about life wholly. We live as though we hold masters in life; as if if we know everything, but the reality is we're very very far from enlightenment. That's why if you really want to succeed in your life, you can never neglect proper learning and having rigour in your learning. You want to be very very serious and fully committed to learning forever. Everything else is a break, and temporary. Whether it's a film you're watching, social media binging, making a living, relationships, creating a family, working, creating things, etc., all of those come secondary and the search for real knowledge and wisdom comes first. That's how I'd like you to change your mindset and start valuing knowledge more. And whilst you value knowledge, I want you to put it above everything else, put it on the pedestal because true knowledge is mighty that it represents everything.

Let's further look into how love is value and how it correlates with work and raising your overall value. And how you should live your life if you truly love yourself. Because someone who loves themselves worries a lot about where their life stands and their destiny. But most people in society seem confused and ignorant instead of looking for the answers and remaining hungry to work hard and build their lives. That's a mindset to switch; love is hard work, love is expensive, love is bigger than most people think, love is about loving yourself, and the love for others is irrelevant and should therefore come secondary as a choice and a playful act, not a tradition or a must. The biggest love there is self-love. Because the self is all you have, so if you can't properly love yourself and learn what it means to properly love yourself, you're done for sure; there's no future for you, no security, no happiness, no nothing. This means the life you're living right now, which lacks self-love, is fake and not a very good thing. If you really loved yourself you'd self-care and improve yourself. let's study more below.

01. What is love and self-love.

Most of our ideas about love are too vague and flawed. We assume love is to cherish your bloodline and friends or people of interest or to sexually be intimate with someone you find appealing. The only love most of us know to like or having a proclivity towards something, or having a deep affection for someone or some people. We're constantly outward-looking and ignorant of the self. We're looking for love but are blind to how to cultivate it.

We need to acknowledge that most people are outward-looking; others are just like you, they're blind to themselves and are restlessly looking for love or the perfect love. In essence, they want someone to like and have a deep affection and feeling for them, and consider them a part of the pride. And we have this mindset where we feel entitled, that the pride we like and want to be a part of us should also like us back and welcome us in. When you like someone, you want them to like you back, when you want to work for a certain company, you want them to accept you without consideration of your levels of love and value.

But we have to realise that love, just like everything else, is value, and value can be cultivated. Value can diminish rise. By knowing that, you know exactly what to do. Love is value, so by looking for love, what you're actually looking for is to raise your value. That's the real love. Someone who has love is a person who has raised their value. We're looking at love in a big picture here, rather than the little affections and zeal and liking. Value remains the leader and the correct definition of love. You may ask, why?

of We're defining love as value because that's what it is; you love something because you value it, because of its value, because of the value it plays or played into you. This is why you can't just love a random stranger unless they play a role in your life by offering you value. For instance, you may start developing interest in someone who has approached you and complimented you and showed support for you in your worst time when you had nobody to help. Another example is how you love your friends and family, you love them for the value they play in your life. You love your parents because they produced you, and they took care of you, and continue to care for you. You like your friends because they're there for you socially, emotionally, support-wise, etc. You will also end up loving a stranger and even end up falling deeply in love (sexually) with them because of the value they have played in you.

The point is, it's all about value. And so that's the magic to take away; think love, think value. But now let's talk about self-love. If you truly love yourself like most people claim, then it's very crucial to cherish and walk life in a way that shows that love. One who loves themselves walks right and seeks things that better themselves. They're very attentive and seek fo real clarity and truth and precision rather than follow vagueness, the crowd, and pathetic lifestyles. So let this be a wake-up call for you to start doing what you truly love, what you really want out of life.

02. Cultivate true self-love.

Okay, it's fine to love others and appreciate others value in you. Now, how can someone else appreciate your values in them? In other, words, for someone else to love you, they must receive your values and that will make them cherish and love you. We already said love is all about value. You love others or even things for the role they play in your life; even if it was a product, an inanimate object, a luxurious product, etc., you like it because it's highly valuable, and having it would raise your value, right? You love others because having them in your life would raise your value. You love others for the value they give in your life.

Everything is value after all. Now how can others love you? Well, the answer is value; raise your value, and the rest is history. Be someone that can help raise another persons value, be someone others can cherish, be someone who capable of playing a role in others life. Be highly valuable, have lustre, shine and glow, be attractive (in your value; be an attractive peace of value, attract others with your value and importance and role in others). You see, it's all to do with value; life is to do with value. Now, it time to stop focusing outwardly, now focus inwardly, and ask yourself; am I that valuable, can someone really love me, do I have what it takes to be loved and cherished, why should I be loved in the first place, etc. You can only complain once you have what it takes to be love – for instance, you have provided a lot of value for others without a return on that investment. That's when you have to reevaluate that business and consider a change.

So love, which is value, is an internal job. Like, you're not here to be loved, really, and you should never work on yourself for the purpose of being love and perceived as lovable and attractive. It is your duty to build yourself and cultivate every aspect of your life. That's the love most people are looking for and are lacking in their lives. You don't want to be loved, and you should be indifferent to others love for you. When others love you, it is evident that you play value in them and you're well-cultivated ad highly valuable. But you're not here to fight for love, to demand someone to love you and like you. Nope. you're here to cultivate yourself and be cultivated, nothing more. When others love you, that should never change a thing in your life; you should be indifferent with everything, and others appreciating you should be a recognition of your growth and value rather than perceiving it as value being added. Just like a treasure or a precious gem or luxurious products; you cannot take away its value, and you can love it but it can't love you back, right? Be the same, be someone whom others can love without you needing their love and value (Of course there will still be some exchange in value, but you just don't overly rely on others).

Be self-sustained; that's what love and self-love. Be fully cultivated and live a successful life alone. That's what real love is about. You never see a precious product looking for affection or compliments and likes. You never see a lustrous brand new smartphone seeking likes and getting depressed once no one buys them or even see them. That's how we're supposed to be; you're supposed to represent love and value and success and greatness all in one. You're to have peace, happiness, calm, this and that, all self-contained in you. That's what matters, the self. And that's what we're labelling self-love.

Self-love is there, work, that you have to cultivate. Love or self-love is about working hard and building your life which is the same as raising your value because when you developed yourself, you're thus raising your value. So, let it be a lesson that whenever you hear of love, you must realise that it is value and work, we're alluding to. Love or self-love is about working hard, working on yourself, refining your life, sincerely taking the actions without being lazy, producing the results, investing in yourself and your world, walking right, being civil in all your approach. Love is having knowledge; developing yourself, loving knowledge, growing, raising your consciousness and awareness, etc. That's what real love is. We all want love but are so blind to what love is and have got it all wrong for generations. Our definition of love is the irrelevant love; affection, liking, love-making, kissing, sex, hugs, supporting others, you name it. But real love is reality, real life is seeking truth, clarity, distinction. real love is in being honest with yourself, real love is striving for what really matters rather than what others want you to do or living for others, living to please others, etc. Real love is being very straight and clear instead of cunning; have integrity in your life, maintain your boundaries and have an unshakable foundation, do not waver, be strict with your approach to life and maintain a good balance in your character and purpose.

Love is about being very wise, looking after yourself, self-care, raising your value, having your back, motivating yourself, working hard, perseverance, etc. That's what real love and self-love is. Your job isn't to go out there and start loving people; your job is to love yourself, and to love yourself means to put in the work in building yourself to become love; because love is the truth, love is the real reality, love is what a fully accomplished individual is, love is success, love is greatness, love is perfection, love is contentment and happiness, and medicine, and joy, and all the good things and value you want in life.

So get that love in yourself and have it self-contained. Others will see that love and will be inspired, they'll cherish and love you, they'll include you in their world because you're something of high value, you're irreplaceable because you're very special and a great piece of value and work.

03. Love is success, and true love is true success.

What we don't know when looking for love is that we're looking for success in every aspect of our lives, because true love is about growing yourself and becoming very successful in life. broadly speaking, love isn't about having someone you cherish or kiss or this and that. Real love is success. You being successful in yourself. You developing yourself and becoming phenomenal and the ultimate success and greatness. That's what it means to become successful or a piece of love or value. It's very important to grasp the perspective.

You're not here to run around and look for men or women or build pride. You need to look at yourself alone before everything else. Sort yourself first, because you yourself are love. So why go out there to look for love when you can find it in yourself? You see that most people come to this introspection side of life, and they realise its need later on in life when it's too late. The thing is before you do anything in life, the first thing to look at is yourself. As soon as you're fully cultivated and accomplished and have fully mastered your life, that's when you can proceed to the next chapter of focusing outwardly because the inside job is successful because love and self-love have been successfully accomplished and you're fully self-sustained.

That's when you're ready to go out there to play, experiment, have fun, and do whatever. If the inside job isn't done yet, then there's a problem. The problem is that you will continue to wobble, you will never find enough satisfaction, your life will continue to be a misery, you will lack clarity, truth, and therefore love, you will be living fake love and the opposite of what real love is. So what to consider before anything is your foundation, work on it, developed it, work on your life. Be like plants or trees, for example. You never see them running after affection, they stand alone working on themselves, and that's why they bear good fruits and attract us and other species to go and enjoy. You too must adopt the same mindset, focus on yourself, discipline yourself and put your head down and just focus on growing yourself. Let the fruits show, that's when others will join you to eat with you, to benefit from you. You'd rather be the mango tree that produces the fruits and that others feed and revolve around than someone who bears no fruits and only feeds on others.

Constantly running outwardly for others love and values and support make you complacent, lazy, and blind to your own love, greatness, and fruits. It's like, okay, where're your fruits then. If we focused entirely on other fruits, how are we going to manifest our own fruit then? It's not a surprise, will get distracted from accomplishing our own missions and growing. You running after what society cherishes; the love, the flawed ways of life, the opinions, the culture, etc., is a sacrifice of your greatness. You're you replacing your greatness with silly behaviours that you have adopted from society. Just because you're expected to have someone you're intimate with doesn't mean you have to yet. Just because your culture condones certain behaviours doesn't mean you should tolerate them too. It's about paving your own path.

Wrapping up

I am not going to keep it long here, but what we can conclude from this topic, is that love is value and work and success. One who wants love is simply that who wants to be successful in every aspect of their life.

It is also self-love because the self is what reigns. So invest in yourself more than you invest in other secondary things. Put yourself on the pedestal and invest in yourself. Working hard and being determined and disciplined is evidence of self-love, and to put it right, it is the true love. True love is putting your head down and walking your own path, the path that's true and aligns with reality. The truth that's precise. That's what love is. So please, refrain from being overly relying on fake acts and ways of life, and rather focus on growing yourself and becoming wholly successful and great. Well done, keep up the excellent work for doing what you're doing right now.

Keep investing in yourself. Not forgetting that what you're doing right now is self-love and it's the real love. And the love you're cultivating is not just self-love, but it's the love for others too, so never feel like you're being selfish by working on yourself. By working on yourself, you're similarly working for others love too. So keep it up and never give up.


04. Summary

The main point of this great guide was as follow:

Love or self-love is a synonym of success and greatness. Someone who has real love is someone who has truly invested in themselves and they're very successful in every aspect of their lives. That's the real love and greatness. The other forms of love are all secondary and limited and breakable and are like sticks; you can easily snap them. The real love and security you want for your life is a truly successful life, which requires hard word discipline. At least, be in love with someone who's focused on real growth rather than someone you're going to be messing with without any hope for results. So, just keep learning, keep investing in yourself without quitting. You can lose others but can't lose or give up on yourself. Keep up the hard work even during testing times, always persevere and stick your chest up and keep walking. And it won't be long until you discover real love, which is success and greatness in every aspect of your life. that's the love we should all be seeking. Well done, learning and developing yourself takes courage. So be grateful for what you have done.

05. Conclusion


Well done, you've made it once again; another one in the bag, an outstanding achievement. Definitely, something to be proud of for it's not so easy. You've achieved something most people don't and will never have. So, be grateful and realise your blessings, and pat yourself on the back; reading alone is in itself a success.


About the Author

Rich Wolf is a formidable and wholly accomplished radical thinking philosopher of all time. Ann autodidactic polymath with a wide array of expertise in several fields. He is also the founder of True Success™ and several other business ventures.

Other info

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We strongly urge that you continue to learn and never quit. True knowledge is the ultimate power, so quitting is in principle, giving up your powers and stepping down. True knowledge is inevitable, you cannot simply ignore it and hope for greatness somewhere else or anything other than true knowledge. Real knowledge is power and all there is, and all that matters. The people who're ignorant of knowledge are the less educated because they lack the awareness, hence, they can't value it as much as you and I do. Learning should be a lifelong mission for both of us, and it should not be a choice or a luxury, but an essential; something that's fundamental and a must.

We're here to genuinely continue to bring you the best of the best and continue to empower your overall growth. And we acknowledge that this mission is not a once-in-a-lifetime, but an ongoing one. Therefore, let's all, relentlessly, focus on this growth and cultivating real greatness together for as long as life takes, without deviating or giving up. Sincerely invest in yourself through the pursuit of true knowledge; loving knowledge and pursuing it wholeheartedly with real passion and a burning desire and urge for excellence and distinction in everything.

