Rich Wolf

Mar 28, 20216 min

Money is happiness

Money is happiness




01: What is money, and how is it happiness?

02: How to get your money

03: Summary

04: Conclusion

05: Author

06: Other info


Money is happiness. The saying "money doesn't make one happy" is one of the most popular delusions of all time and an excuse for attaining or not having wealth. But most of us don't realise the ignorance hidden within. Why? Because it takes greatness to see greatness. Unfortunately, not everyone has great eyes to see the greatness in money. So in here, we're going to reveal that greatness. That money is actually happiness and you can say it gives happiness.

In this guide, therefore, we will define money and happiness for you and discuss how both integrate and discuss broadly around the topic. As a result, you will weave a new and better perspective around money, which will help you succeed greatly in life and your pursuit of financial freedom. Not forgetting that most people lack the truth, the real definition of everything. So, this guide should help bring truth and redefine some of our flawed perspectives on a lot of things too.

01. what is money and how is it happiness?

We need to understand what money is, otherwise, we may easily misconstrue and misunderstand it, leading to a number of chaos; from devaluing its power, to having an incorrect perception of it and approaching it incorrectly and even immorally. So it's key to understand what money really is so as to win in money.

Money is value just like everything else, i.e value. Happiness is value and everything else is value. This means, getting money is getting value, which is inseparable from other types of values such as knowledge, happiness, etc. You see most people don't really know what money is, they believe it's the paper or digits with no co te t underneath. But money is value, not the paper of the digits in your bank account.

Paper money is so instilled deep in us that it's the only thing we know of, yet we don't know how it keeps us blinded from the real truth. The truth that money is not the paper but something else. The people who talk about money the most are those without a good understanding of it, yet they act very knowledgeably. But these same people have torn-out pockets and financial insecurity. So, let's stop all the acting like our cups are full and let's tackle the main issues here to grasp the truth and be able to win.

How can money make one happy?

01. Well, first, let's define happiness.

Happiness is contentment and fulfilment that results from being fully cultivated and enlightened and certain of life. In other words, happiness is having true knowledge. Knowledge is happiness and happiness is knowledge. But all of them is value. When you have happiness, you have the knowledge and you also have value.

02. Great, so now, how does money correlate with knowledge and happiness?

You see, happiness is value, and money is value, which makes the two one thing. Money and happiness are one thing. Money and happiness are both knowledge. Without knowledge there's no money; without your awareness, there's no money or value.

The problem is we're so lost in our little dualistic paradigms that we're completely blind to how most things integrate and correlate. And that's a problem. Because most people are out there making excuses and sabotaging their own financial freedom. "Money doesn't make one happy, money is the root of all evil, money is this and that" just to cover the shame that they haven't done a thing to secure their financial freedom. So I am telling you from today, money is happiness, money represents value, money is the food and your networth, and it's very very important for maintaining your livelihood so stop all the excuse and work hard and secure your money.

Money is value that is not separate from any other values. This means if you want to raise your value, it's not exclusive to doing other things, but you should consider money as well. Because money is the best representation of value at this point. Money buys happiness, knowledge, health, mindset, etc., in this world we're living. So stop the excuse. And always remember, money is not separate from everything else. The bread your holding is value and is money. The house you live in is value and is money, you're money too. So why confuse yourself to not raise your value and live extraordinarily? It is only a lack of understanding and education. Now you know what to value in life.

Education. Because education represents everything: happiness, money, skills, ability, talent, you name it. Is all knowledge. So prioritise true knowledge first, then the rest is just a product of that foundation.

02. How to get your money

Think value and you're ready to become very wealthy. When it comes to money, successful people don't even think of it at all. They simply focus on providing value in a work they love, and they raise their value or wealth that way. If you want money, follow the same path and before you know it, you're winning too.

If you want money go and give value in the forms of providing a service or product that people want, that the world wants. And what you'll get back is a value that's directly proportional to the value you've given. It's still in essence exchanging value for value. The only difference is we now assign numbers to value. How valuable is your product or service, and can your clients afford it? Plus several factors as mentioned at the beginning of this guide. Do not settle for mediocrity and prevent yourself from earning; you want money in abundance, and you don't want excuses such as; I only want money to a certain extent, I want just a little bit, I just want enough to survive, money doesn't make one happy no matter what, money is the root of all evil, money this, money that.

Stop the excuse and love money with your whole heart, and make sure you have it in abundance. Go out there and work hard for your money and always remember that making money is still equivalent to raising your value and networth, so do what's ethical and moral to get your money and raise yourself.


03. Summary

The main point of this great guide was as follow:

Money is value just like any other value; getting money means getting or raising your value and networth, and it's the same as personal development and growth. There's no dichotomy between money success and life success and self-growth, and all the other types of successes. In fact, we could use any of them to represent the entire picture (all-encompassing greatness), and we're still going to be fine. Being educated is raising your value, which is the same as raising your networth or even money. Everything is based on knowledge too. So keep learning and raise your value and your money will rise as well because of your high value. Well done.

04. Conclusion


Well done, you've made it once again; another one in the bag, an outstanding achievement. Definitely, something to be proud of for it's not so easy. You've achieved something most people don't and will never have. So, be grateful and realise your blessings, and pat yourself on the back; reading alone is in itself a success.


About the Author

Rich Wolf is a formidable and wholly accomplished radical thinking philosopher of all time. Ann autodidactic polymath with a wide array of expertise in several fields. He is also the founder of True Success™ and several other business ventures.

Other info

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We strongly urge that you continue to learn and never quit. True knowledge is the ultimate power, so quitting is in principle, giving up your powers and stepping down. True knowledge is inevitable, you cannot simply ignore it and hope for greatness somewhere else or anything other than true knowledge. Real knowledge is power and all there is, and all that matters. The people who're ignorant of knowledge are the less educated because they lack the awareness, hence, they can't value it as much as you and I do. Learning should be a lifelong mission for both of us, and it should not be a choice or a luxury, but an essential; something that's fundamental and a must.

We're here to genuinely continue to bring you the best of the best and continue to empower your overall growth. And we acknowledge that this mission is not a once-in-a-lifetime, but an ongoing one. Therefore, let's all, relentlessly, focus on this growth and cultivating real greatness together for as long as life takes, without deviating or giving up. Sincerely invest in yourself through the pursuit of true knowledge; loving knowledge and pursuing it wholeheartedly with real passion and a burning desire and urge for excellence and distinction in everything.

