Rich Wolf

Mar 30, 20219 min

How do I get the money? Become super-wealthy, and financially Successful.

Updated: May 29, 2021

How do I get the money? Become financially successful.




01: Without extraordinary courage, you're nothing

02: The courage to succeed extraordinarily

03: Getting more courage (Plus 20 points)

04: Summary

05: Conclusion

06: Author

07: Other info


How do I get the money? Become super-wealthy, and financially successful now.

Do you want the money or not, or you're one of those people who're full of excuses and believe money is evil and somehow the root of all evil, etc? Are you serious about changing your life and rooting for financial freedom and abundance? If that's you, then it is time we cultivate our mindsets in order to attain the financial success. Because like everything else, it all boils down to the level of education and mindset you have. That's why we must prioritise the correct education and mindset.

In this guide, therefore, we're going to reshape our perceptions of money and how we can truly become financially successful. We all want financial freedom because it allows life to become much more manageable and gives us more options in life. You want to have your money and in abundance. So in this guide, I'll walk you through what to do to get the money, and what to expect. I will also remove the misconceptions that prevent us from succeeding all-around. Basically, a blueprint for getting financially successful. Any success, any mission, any goal is not a joke, and there's a lot of demands and hurdles involved to successfully accomplish it. The same applies with money, if you want money, there's a lot involved, and hence it's vital to have the right education and mindset as a foundation, in order to enact the practicals more effectively and see real results.

01. How do I get the money, how do I become wealthy, and financially successful?

Very Simple...

The money comes in when all the steps, all the processes have been achieved. Life is a process, everything is a process. You can never get the money without achieving the foundations for creating wealth. You get the money when the work for it has been successfully completed. The money will come in effortlessly the minute the entire system of producing money has been mastered and enacted. Nothing comes out of thin air; everything comes out of hard work, sacrifice, discipline, and genuinely taking calculated risks. So, the money will come in.....

  1. When you have created the foundation: highly educated, have a greater mindset, sorted your personal life. Because it's not about the money, but the person who makes the money. You need a highly educated self because you're the underlying basis for all the other goals. Money goal will benefit from your cultivated self, your discipline, integrity, emotional intelligence, meaning, purpose, and all the other success attributions.

  2. When you have the products and services to offer: Meaning you'd have to study the products and services you want to serve, you have refined all the products, and are an expert and producer who's ready to deliver.

  3. When you have the platform; You have what to offer the world, and you have a platform and way of delivering the services; be it online and or physical stores.

  4. When you have the funds to aid your business growth: whether you're going to secure some funds from investors or from your own pockets, you still have to find the money to inject into your projects.

  5. When your business plan is fully mastered and ready to play its purpose; A business plan serves many functions, from helping you make full sense of the business and services you offer, to help you secure some deals, some investment and funding deals from potential investors. So, this one is another area to look into and it's easier said than done. I can never say business plans are mandatory, but they're still essential for the benefits mentioned above.

  6. Marketing: All aspects of your services are ready, now you have to deliver to the right clients and customers. You will now need top-notch marketing, and that's going to require some money invested. The amount you invest into marketing will also depend on your business idea, services too. However, regardless of your business idea, you will still be required to nurture your business and develop and market it. So, there's that to consider too.

  7. The long-run; when you're ready and fully committed to keep going and serve the world for the long run, whilst you bear a lot of responsibilities onto your shoulders. You may need to build a team, and even scale up your business, which are all demanding tasks. This is why not everyone can make it because it just starts to seem very overwhelming. But being correctly educated before you deal with all of the other goals is to ensure you're the one who's overwhelming and a conqueror, rather than the other way around.

  8. When you're actually ready all-around to do business: when you're ready to deal with every aspect of running a successful business, life, and your life. You have to commit yourself to handle every aspect of life and business. That's why our education and growth approach is about holistic learning; covering every area, so you can be great all-around, instead of just one little meagre field.

  9. It is not a joke, there are no shortcuts, no quick schemes. As soon as you agree to do all it takes to get all your life in order, that's when the money will come in.

There’s a lot involved in running a successful business. It's extremely challenging and demanding. There's a very big price to pay and until you're ready to pay all that it takes, the money will never come. Running a successful business is so demanding. However, one of the misconceptions most people have is thinking money is separate from everything else when it's actually not. If you want money, you cannot skip all the other steps, you have to follow the process— sincere education, self-growth, expertise, Because your foundation is what determines your character and in essence your results, discipline, action, and hard work. Your approach to life will have to change; you can never live like you used to live before and you'll soon realise it. There are not many people who approach the type of lifestyle we're talking about here; so, you're going to find yourself doing most of the things alone. But that's completely fine. So, before you start thinking "money", think self-growth first and have your life fully fulfilled through having complete distinction. Then the money follows. When you're ready, you'll know, and everything will just run smoothly because you're respecting the process.

Now the other thing to help you get the money is the actions; the execution. You have to put everything we have discussed above into actions. That means you need to continue learning like you're doing right now. And I want to thank you for that, well done. Then when you're ready for the practicals, then everything's straightforward and easy. The following actions are to do with business aspects; producing the products and services, hiring, finding the clients, repeating, refining your products, managing the businesses; the products, team, marketing, accounting, clients or customers, platform, etc. And whilst you do all of that, you must also not forget that learning is eternal; everything comes from learning and knowledge.

So, you couldn't lie to yourself and say, "oh, I am now focussing on making money, not learning". Business, money, knowledge, business, action, etc., are all one thing, are all knowledge and a result of learning. So, no, you're not going to quit learning any moment soon. In fact, the only time you stop learning is when you're dead. Keep learning; personally and professionally, which is what we focus on here. But learn both here and out there and deepen your insights and powers.

02. Have expertise

On top of being highly educated; personally and professionally, you must also channel more of your time mastering your products and services, your clients and customers, managing your business, planning, etc. Now you can see that it's beginning to look overwhelming, right? There's a lot on your chest, a lot on your plate, but it also on how much you want it and how much you can sacrifice.

Be a Life-long learner

You must be ready to be a long-life learner and you must learn quickly and be able to adapt, etc. Knowledge is power, without it, you can't get anywhere. But that knowledge doesn't come free, you have to invest in yourself and learn a lot. The big money isn't for lazy people, if you truly want the big bucks, you've got to love learning and live the uncomfortable life for a couple of years. There are many aspects of business to master. Hence to most people, business is something so overwhelming and almost impossible to pursue.

You must have a burning desire for greatness, and financial independence, and satisfaction. You can't be lazy and expect to win. When Usain Bolt wanted to win in his ambition, he never laid down. He sweated blood and tears. In the same since the money comes when you have got everything under control. So keep learning and working on yourself, and begin your businesses.


Life is value, everything is value. Life is business, everything is business. And business is everything. What you doing right now is business. What you do out there is also business, and it's all about exchanging value. When you give people value, you receive value in exchange too and in any form you want the value to be; most commonly money, which is a better currency. It's all about exchanging value, which we already do without even thinking about it. It's not about attaining the paper money; financial success or success, in general, is how highly valuable you're. A highly successful person has a higher networth; which should be the measure of how valuable one is. They're valuable in terms of their developed knowledge, skills, ability, work, value they offer to others.

So the biggest secret in life and business is to know how everything is value, and how to give value to others to receive value back and even raise your value up. In a nutshell, business is all about cultivating the value you want to offer, packaging it, and delivering it to the customers, and the entire management of the flow. Manage the production, the services, the flow, transactions, cashflow or money, and the growth of the business, and everything in between. So first, go out there and find something you love and would enjoy working at and offering value to others.

Then begin working on it; planning, learning, gathering resources, gathering capital, gathering all the necessary things or basic requirements, and that's how you start your ideas and enterprise. Perhaps you could buy an existing company and then take over and offer value in that way? That's also an option. It might seem complex, but it can be done because it has been done before and still being done today. Only you can limit yourself from actually trying. But remember that trying or taking risk is the potential for winning. One who tries a takes risks is the one with the chance to win. Not the other who sits back and whine.


04. Summary

The main point of this great guide was as follow:

Value is your superpower, give value in any forms, and the rest is history. Raise your value in all forms and your networth will grow proportionally too. It's all about value. If you want more money, offer more value and get paid more. Very simple truth. Your only task is to go and create value and be able to deliver and manage the entire flow. That's the only thing that separates highly successful people and less successful people.

05. Conclusion


Well done, you've made it once again; another one in the bag, an outstanding achievement. Definitely, something to be proud of for it's not so easy. You've achieved something most people don't and will never have. So, be grateful and realise your blessings, and pat yourself on the back; reading alone is in itself a success.


About the Author

Rich Wolf is a formidable and wholly accomplished radical thinking philosopher of all time. Ann autodidactic polymath with a wide array of expertise in several fields. He is also the founder of True Success™ and several other business ventures.

Other info

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We strongly urge that you continue to learn and never quit. True knowledge is the ultimate power, so quitting is in principle, giving up your powers and stepping down. True knowledge is inevitable, you cannot simply ignore it and hope for greatness somewhere else or anything other than true knowledge. Real knowledge is power and all there is, and all that matters. The people who're ignorant of knowledge are the less educated because they lack the awareness, hence, they can't value it as much as you and I do. Learning should be a lifelong mission for both of us, and it should not be a choice or a luxury, but an essential; something that's fundamental and a must.

We're here to genuinely continue to bring you the best of the best and continue to empower your overall growth. And we acknowledge that this mission is not a once-in-a-lifetime, but an ongoing one. Therefore, let's all, relentlessly, focus on this growth and cultivating real greatness together for as long as life takes, without deviating or giving up. Sincerely invest in yourself through the pursuit of true knowledge; loving knowledge and pursuing it wholeheartedly with real passion and a burning desire and urge for excellence and distinction in everything.

