Rich Wolf

Mar 31, 20219 min

20 Hard-core evidence the world is still uneducated and uncivilised.

20 Hard-core evidence the world is still uneducated and uncivilised.




01: 20 Hard-core Evidence the world is still undeveloped

02: Summary

03: Conclusion

04: Author

05: Other info


20 Hard-core pieces of evidence that suggest we're still in the dark ages and not as enlightened as we like to think we're. There's a heck of a lot of work to do. But being ignorant and blind to these states of ourselves or our world is extremely dangerous because it means we're going to settle in ignorance and chaos.

Hence it's important we look at the world and observe it and see what needs improvement. Seeing your issues is key to improvements. Knowing your world is power and happiness and greatness and it's better than staying in the dark and being surprised. Rather know than not know.

01. 20 Hard-core pieces of evidence we're (the world) still uneducated and uncivilised.

We’re still far from enlightenment, lies and gentlemen. The average man and woman in this world still struggle to discern the world profoundly. And on top of it all, we don't value proper education and learning. Most of us are focused on very minute life. There are not very many successful and intelligent people.

And this fact is self-evident; you can observe it in our actions, character, behaviours, and results too. We still have a very long way to go and grow. Hence it's very important to know this and be wary and deal with the world properly as something that's still undeveloped and uncivilised. As much as we want to separate ourselves from animals, and as much as we'd like to call ourselves enlightened and smart, and this and that, we're still apes in the caves and bushes. We're not that special as we'd like to believe.

So here, let's explore these 20 points and then see how we can eventually deal with the world and carry our lives in such a world.

1. We don’t aggrandise reality. Reality is the power to worship, unfortunately, that power is still unknown in the world.

2. We're very superficial. We judge by the cover or on the surface not realising the surface is still an illusion and deeper is where the truth lies.

3. We compete against each other, envy, greed, wars, and fights, this and that.

4. We’re easily influenced by others false opinions; We easily lose ourselves in others beliefs and worldviews, we get conditioned and affected by others opinions. We get discouraged, we fear others judgments, etc. That’s evidence that we’re quite lacking, we’re not unwavering and solid in our knowledge of the truth.

5. We don't know ourselves, if you asked an average person who they're they wouldn’t know. Why? Because of a lack of education. Rigorous learning isn’t a necessity to most people.

6. Formal education does not teach or give definitive truth, meaning it’s now your job to pursue that truth and clarity yourself. failure to that means you can be left behind. Formal education might be biased with hidden agendas. Formal education doesn't define or give success in life.

7. Lack of love and acceptance for all. Inequality, racial prejudice, discrimination, racial supremacy, judgments, loath, preferential world, etc.

8. Reality or the world is still a new thing to us: We're not as special and enlightened as we claim. We are still primitive in our thinking and attitude towards life. We’re still easily surprised, we still believe in silly ideas and concepts, and we’re really myopic in our thinking. Realise that am alluding to the wider majority here.

9. We're not highly civilised and principled; we have only just begun developing but we’re only anywhere close yet. The future is still ahead of us. Yet there’s many of us who’s comfortable and confident that we have made it. We're not any closer, we’re still in the bush and dark ages. Intellectual immaturity and not being principled enough is one of the pieces of evidence. A lot of development is needed.

10. Our lifestyle is basic and unfuturistic which is evidence of our stage in growth: we’re mediocre and simple. We live in unfuturistic apartments and lifestyles. Yes, we portray different lifestyles on social media and on the internet but in reality, we're very simple.

11. We're still far from righteousness, virtue, and high moral standard. There’s still a lot of wickedness happening in the world and chaos.

12. We're still narrow-minded apes: The majority of us, there’s a very small percentage of highly educated, highly enlightened individuals. On the pyramid there' more people at the bottom than at the top. The majority of us are still short-sighted, limited, small mind, small mindset. We’re mostly blind and are still in the darkness and still learning. But there’s only very few who’s up there and are living what’s the future for most people.

13. Were still easily amused and astonished by reality, everything is new to us. We’re easily surprised by little tricks, “extraordinary” achievements, very wealthy people, people like Elon, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and the other highly wealthy people. We’re too limited to the point such a thing as “extraordinary” exists. When such a label shouldn’t exist in the first place if we were all grown and at the same level. There’s a separation between those who’re fully developed and those who’re less developed. One is labelled extraordinary and the other one is ordinary. You see that. We're still shocked and learning, we still look up to celebrities and never see ourselves as celebrities.

14. We’re still blind to our own values, powers, and self-worth. We can’t appreciate ourselves enough, we feel inadequate, unfulfilled, and unhappy.

15. We’re easily fooled by others, we’re led astray by others and are not in full control of our own destinies and life. We’re still dependent on external entities. We do not have enough for ourselves, our lives are not fully organised. We’re still very poor and struggling to sustain our lives. We’re still not yet developed and developed.

16. We're still tricked by the deceptive nature of reality; We're constantly sipping and struggle to permanently grasp reality. We're still fooled by the illusions.

17. We’re very superficial and are judgemental when we shouldn’t. For instance, when you see something that's more visually appealing, you might think it’s perfection, purity, beauty, innocent, and give it superiority. And end up discriminating against other similar things and refer to them as inferior.

18. We all need the same things in life but not all of us chase after that one thing; some have been misguided and live unrealistic realities and paradigms. So, for all of us to grow and align in our values, a lot of education is required.

19. Not all of us are successful in every aspects of our lives, and problems never seem to end: Deep down you want to be greand successful, but how come you're not successful? That's another division. The large majority are unsuccessful. Great people are only a few percentage of the entire population.

20. Many people continue to suffer with depressions and anxieties and problems relating to the lack of a fundamental understanding of reality. Being uncertain of everything. But there's a lot of ignorance and true education is still not known or prioritised. The medicine to most of our problems can be solved with seeking knowledge. However, not everyone is in the position to sacrifice themselves to attain that medicine (Knowledge), not to mention, truth is expensive and quite unaffordable too. Not everyone can have the truth, as you have to meet the demands, which not every body's capable of. We focus more on giving out medicine but the knowledge, which is the ultimate medicine, is not advocated.


Many people are still learning, searching for meaning, purpose and trying to understand reality. But the progress is quite slow especially with all the barriers there are such as religion, culture, opposing frameworks, education ,society, etc. If scientists claim they're still studying reality and still don't know.

What about the ordinary person who has left the job in the hands of those whom they refer to as scientists and sophisticated people? I think there's also a lot of ignorance in the fact that many people have abundonent knowledge and has left it to be administered by others and are increasingly more reliant on what they call "experts" or even scientists. But we fail to understand that the scientists are us, all of us. We're meant to observe reality and make complete sense of it as it's necessary for our frameworks and greatness.

Lastly, the ignorance we have—for example, we assume we're fulfilled already from the little we know or have achieved. For example you may say to yourself, you have learnt enough and don't have to do any further learning. But that's being ignorant and blind. Always know that there's a lot to learn. In fact, even that you've learnt still requires revision and keeping up to date with, otherwise the knowledge is easily lost. So, let's not be ignorant, let's lose ourselves in the pursuit of truth and distinction and growth, without giving up.

So that’s why we need to be careful. We still don't know ourselves, we’re still full of curiosity, full of the urge to learn and make distinctions. We’re still shocked by the magic, the fantasy, the whole illusion that’s working. You cannot describe it, it’s mysterious, it’s something.

Wrapping up.

Those are some of the reasons or points why we could say we’re not yet developed and grown. There’s still more work to do, a lot of learning. Some of us are just complacent rather than forever-students.

Fudamental, holistic, and general knowledge or learning is a must for everyone, for us to grow. We’re taught in formal education to follow paths that were defined for us and to specialise and focus on one very few specific topics but were never taught the value of studying everything. Unfortunately, most of us never realise reality as a whole and that's why most of us struggle. So the key is learning, keep going, and keep learning. Do not stop, do not quit, do not satisfied, and do not rest. You need to have your head around everything, if you truly want to be wise and extremely intelligent and cappable.

Learning is where happiness and everything come from. Knowledge is power, and knowledge is all theirs is. Nothing else is sweeter than knowledge (And by knowledge I mean true knowledge) because knowledge can be the unreal ones that are relative to humans creation or consciousness rather than that which is absolute and inherent. Nothing else is better than knowledge, you can try relationships, sex, food, sleep, exercise, playing games, creating material things and wealth, etc., but nothing beats knowledge. In fact, all of those things I mentioned above are nothing but knowledge.

But you want to be conscious knowledge more than the little sensational experiences and feelings and the joy everyone goes for. You want to be intelligent, as that’s the ultimate greatness, right there.


02. Summary

The main point of this great guide was as follow:

Knowing the state of our world is crucial because it tells us how to walk, what to expect, and how to improve it. Now that you know how the world works, you'll also know how to walk it and correctly navigate it to get what you want. You now know that we're all quite imperfect: the world is imperfect by default. So we have to be very cautious in how we walk it but we must also work to change and develop it. But also that education is the key, but the world isn't too keen on learning. Despite that, education still wins and that's the reason why we must prioritise education and keep learning beyond expectations.

03. Conclusion


Well done, you've made it once again; another one in the bag, a great achievement. Definitely, something to be proud of for it's not so easy. You've achieved something most people don't and will never have. So, be grateful and realise your blessings, and pat yourself on the back; reading alone is in itself a success.


About the Author

Rich Wolf is a formidable and wholly accomplished radical thinking philosopher of all time. Ann autodidactic polymath with a wide array of expertise in several fields. He is also the founder of True Success™ and several other business ventures.

Other info

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We strongly urge that you continue to learn and to never quit. True knowledge is the ultimate power, so quitting is in principle, giving up your powers and stepping down. True knowledge is inevitable, you cannot simply ignore it and hope for greatness somewhere else or anything other than true knowledge. Real knowledge is power and all there is, and all that matters. The people who're ignorant of knowledge are the less educated because they lack the awareness, hence, they can't value it as much as you and I do. Learning should be a lifelong mission for both of us, and it should not be a choice or a luxury, but an essential; something that's fundamental and a must.

We're here to genuinely continue to bring you the best of the best and continue to empower your overall growth. And we acknowledge that this mission is not a once-in-a-lifetime, but an ongoing one. Therefore, let's all, relentlessly, focus on this growth and cultivating real greatness together for as long as life takes, without deviating or giving up. Sincerely invest in yourself through the pursuit of true knowledge; loving knowledge and pursuing it wholeheartedly with real passion and a burning desire and urge for excellence and distinction in everything.

